I had planned pretty well on food for the portion of the trip when I was on the road yesterday: lots of veggies, hard-boiled eggs, a little cheese, much water, and some carbs. The planning didn't necessarily carry over to today.
My partner and I were staying with a friend in his moderate apartment. It's plenty large for one person, but a little cramped for three. Once he got up, we were out the door for some breakfast and traveling about the town.
The trickiest meal of the day was supper. It's hard enough for a vegetarian to find a meals at most restaurants; it's even trickier when said vegetarian is cutting out all carbs from the evening meal. This is where Amel's Restaurant saved the day.
One of the specials for the night was a dish of grilled zucchini, artichokes, and beets in a balsamic vinegar. It was absolutely fabulous! I've always found beets to be a very tricky vegetable. It's hard to make it tasty without that dirty beet flavor coming through. But what Amel's did was divine! I now need to try and replicate it for my cookbook.
It was about 9pm by the time we got back to the apartment, and I still had to do my exercises for the day. Immediately I took over a little space in our friend's abode and did my 5 sets of 150 jumps. That was full of fail. I discovered that one cannot do the ropes on plush carpeting in a tiny space. The carpeting puts too much drag on the rope and I had to jump a little bit higher than normal in order to gain any clearance as it passed beneath me without it touching the rug.
On the other hand, I showed our friend how it's possible to jumprope inside. He's been on a healthy lifestyle kick and had bought himself rope but didn't think there was a space in his apartment to do it. Now that I proved it could be done, he's willing to give it a try.
Who would have thought that the guy with the bionic knees from a year ago would be showing someone else the ropes? Cool beans!
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