Today the wait ended. Today began the inauguration of the Kung Fu Body. Today I finally got to see all the stuff I had been hearing about. I excitedly opened my email and looked over the first day's exercise list—and was a little surprised at what I saw there.
I have most of this past year living the Peak Condition life. Every morning I jumprope for 15 minutes (which equals a little over 2,500 jumps) and 8-minutes abs with the evening full of resistance band work and tons or strength building. When I read the first exercise was only 4 sets of 100 jumps, I'm pretty sure my face did one of those cartoon character double-takes. "Only 400?" I said to myself. "I can do 2,500! Where's the challenge in that?"
In fact, the number of push-ups and sit-ups just felt very low. "My god," I continued on, "this is going to be too simple."
Then the rational side of my brain began speaking. "Yeah. Enjoy it for now, bozo. You know how it this thing goes. Last time you found it difficult because you were really, really, REALLY out of shape. Now that you're looking good you think this is going to be piece of cake, huh? Patrick don't work that way. Just you wait until you get to that flexibility section, then you tell me how easy it is!"
Okay, so my rational side gave me a smack-down, and my body just confirmed it when I hit the flexibility routines. I'm a little flexible, but there's much room for improvement. Actually, there's probably going to be improvements in a lot of areas—which will mean there will be plenty of straining, sweating, and who knows what else. So I might-as-well enjoy the easy for as long as I can. It may not come again for another 90 days.
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