The day started out quite beautifully, albeit a little chilly. My morning routine has been feeling a little wonky because my jumproping has moved to a different time slot, so being inspired by Patrick's post, I decided to walk to work today. I got myself ready, put on my sneakers, packed my things in my backpack, and headed out the door.
Have I ever mentioned that I live on a hill? A big hill? I mean a really big hill? The kind of really big hill where you can look out over the city that is nestled in the valley below? Probably not. The next time I decide to walk to work I need to take that little fact into consideration.
An hour later I arrived at my place of employment. I was feeling great, had a sense of accomplishment, and full of energy to begin my day. Yeah. None of that lasted. My legs, although very fit, began to ache a little. The energy slowly evaporated until I was sleepily nodding at my desk in a sort of lethargic stupor. The sense of accomplishment faded away under the piles of paperwork. I was a hurting puppy.
As lunchtime rolled around, I knew I needed something that would rev up my engine again. So I did the same thing I do every day at lunch—I took a walk. Needless to say, when I left work I immediately went to the stop and took the bus home.
I had enough energy left to do the routine today, although my leg muscles were a bit sore and my form was a tad off. On the other hand, I feel thoroughly exhausted and I'm sure I'm going to get a great night's sleep, so it all works out in the end.
This is definitely a whole new ballgame.
E! You're in this? Awesome! I completely agree with you. This is new ground. The best of luck to us both.