It's the first day of the month. It's the first day back after a long (and eventful) Memorial Day weekend. One of my co-workers is on vacation this week, so I need to do her job as well as my own. Plus, because of the long weekend, I will also need to help out our call center as they will be swamped. Then sometime tonight I will also need to work on a newsletter that needs to be finalized, printed, and mailed by Thursday. Yeah—I'm feeling a bit swamped at the moment.

Nevertheless, somehow I will make it all happen, even with throwing in today's workout. Actually the exercising shall be more of a help than a hindrance. The kicking and the punching will be very therapeutic as I picture different faces in front of me receiving the blows I shall give. Then, once all the aggression is out, it'll be time for some stretching and meditation—leaving me well relaxed to tackle the newsletter.
I am so looking forward to going home.
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