After the meeting last night, a couple of our friends decided that they wanted to go out and grab some dinner. I hadn't planned on dining out and I really didn't want to stay up late, but my partner wanted to socialize with them and they promised it would be an early evening, so I acquiesced and a decision was made about where we were going to eat.
Now Friendly's really doesn't have the best menu in the world, but that was where they wanted to eat. I hadn't been in that restaurant in quite some time, but I figured I could probably find something vegetarian and relatively healthy to munch on. So off we went to the nearby location.
Much to my surprise (not really), they offer little options for a vegetarian. Every salad is covered in meat, they don't offer any veggie burger alternates, and about the only thing that came close to being somewhat vegetarian just so happened to be deep-fried. There wasn't even any fruit offered! How sad is that?
Well, needless to say, I sat there while every ate their meals, sipping my tall glass of water. One friend apologetically offered some of their onion rings and I knew I would feel guilty if I refused them, so I took a couple and ate them.
After the dinner was finished, they all decided to get ice cream sundaes. Well, by that time I was feeling a little peckish, so I placed my order for some too. I knew it wasn't going to be the greatest stuff, but it was at least something. The desserts arrived and were devoured in short order.
About 15 minutes later my stomach felt like someone had just kicked it. The most unpleasant cramps started settling in too. I was a little surprised to experience it, because I hadn't felt that way for the longest time! But I knew what it was and what was going to happen.

I quickly urged my partner to pay the bill and we dashed out the door and flew home, all-the-while my stomach making the most horrific sounds and convulsing. We pulled into the driveway, I leaped from the car, into the house, and rushed into the bathroom—which is where I remained for the next half-hour or so.
One would think that would be the end of the story. Ha-ha! My body had other ideas.
Although things were mostly quiet throughout the night, when I got up this morning my stomach once again proceeded with more cramping and I had to spend a bit more time in the bathroom. This has actually gone on throughout a good part of the day. I have eaten very little in the way of any kind of food—diet or otherwise. The stomach wouldn't handle it.
It finally started to quiet down this evening. The weird noises have stopped, and I haven't had to spend a lot of time on the toilet. I've actually started feeling hungry now, so I'll get something to eat. Everything should return to normal in a little bit.
I will say this—that is the last time I'm going to Friendly's for quite a while. This whole experience made me remember why I hadn't eaten there in a long time—it's because their food has made my stomach do this before. Much of this occurred before I started living a healthy lifestyle and had been written off as quirks with my body. Now I know it's just bad food. I am sure this experience will be firmly burned into my memory, and that will definitely remind me I'm never walking into that place again.
I hope you're feeling better! I've been to Friendly's once in the last 10 years - and that was too often.
ReplyDeleteFriendly's...what a name! More like Hateful's...