Tuesday, June 8, 2010

25 - Weak

This past weekend is still affecting me. Although time seems to have returned to a normal pace, my stamina hasn't. I was doing alright during the jump rope and Strength section of the workout sheet, and I was still going strong at the beginning of the Agility section—that is, until I encountered the Kicks. My legs started getting more and more tired, I began sweating up a storm, and my form eventually went to hell. I think I was pretty much dead by that point. Thankfully I only had the Flexibility exercises to go. Hopefully the energy levels will return tomorrow.


  1. You know, the kicks still kick my ass too... after a few days of doing them straight (i.e; not falling short on KFB) I am just BEAT and it's harder and harder to follow through.

    And I feel a stronger desire to nap :)

  2. I know what you mean about the leg thing. My legs seem to tire quickly sometimes. At the end of the PCP, my legs wanted to leave. In fact, it was leg tiredness that played a big part in knocking me off my workout routine up until now. I just got sick of feeling tired all the time.

  3. The legs are the strongest, thickest muscles of the body. You're bound to feel tired!
